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פיתוחם של אוספי הספרייה הלאומית - הרצאה מקוונת - 23/9 17:00
ביום ב', 23/9/2024, בשעה 17:00 תתקיים ההרצאה פיתוחם של…...
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כמה מילים על שירותי תרגום ועל מתרגמים
מאת גילה אנסל-בראונר מתרגמים לרוב מתמחים בתחום אחד או יותר -   למשל: תרגום משפטי, תרגום מסמכים אישיים, תרגום מסמכים מעברית לאנגלית, תרגום דוחות כספיים לאנגלית, תרגום טכני, תרגום ספרותי, וכו'. לכן כשמחפשים מתרגם צריך לחפש לא רק לפי צמדי השפות שלהם אלא גם לפי…...
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How a Translator Can Help Get an Academic Book Published

Most translators of academic material usually translate articles and lectures. I want to share my experience with translating academic books and helping my customers to get them published. I translate from Hebrew into English, and the books I’ve worked on have been published in the US, UK, and Europe.

Tips for Novice Translators Working Directly with Direct-Clients

Good advice from an experienced translator for novice translators

Writing translation content posts – the why and how | Stephen Rifkind

Writing translation content posts – the why and how | Stephen Rifkind

Stephen Rifkind presents the marketing advantages of producing content articles and provide tips on producing and publishing informational posts.

To Grow, or Not to Grow, That is No longer the Question, But the Imperative | Keith Brooks

To Grow, or Not to Grow, That is No longer the Question, But the Imperative | Keith Brooks

The last few years made us realize we can no longer work alone. To survive, we must work with sales, advertising, marketing, and design people worldwide. How do you do it? Scary for most people, and this is understandable, but you can grow your business incrementally or \"go large,\" as they say. But staying a solo practitioner may be your downfall.

On Client Agreements, Mr. Green, and Payment Enforcement

I’ve said it a million times. An oral agreement ain’t worth the paper it’s written on, and nothing is obvious. Perhaps I’m being too subtle. Get it in writing.

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“I’m reviewing the situation…” (Fagin, in Oliver) – Part 1

Over the next few weeks, I’d like to discuss a few questions that each of us should ask ourselves – as professional translators – every so often. The answers to these questions may lead you to make some changes, or you may be satisfied with where you are at. But it’s worth taking the time to think about these issues.

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حول الجمعية

Promote the professional development of the Association's members, including the promotion of theoretical knowledge and practical expertise in the translation, translational and linguistic industries in Israel, so that their clients can enjoy professional, accurate and reliable translations.

Become the leading representative of the translators, translators and editors in Israel.
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