Tuesday – MemoQ Lecture/Demo
memoQ for Newbies to Translation Software:
A basic overview of translation software in general and what seems to be the most popular translation software choice in Israel: memoQ. The demo is aimed at those who want to improve their bottom line, adopt new technology, and widen their client base. memoQ has become a very sophisticated tool but remains easy to use, intuitive, has a easy on the eye interface and most of all, a great support team to help, advise, and advance your skills. As a certified memoQ trainer in Israel, I am available to help you get with it.
Moshe Devere
Despite my accent, my first language was Hebrew!
Although I always translated & interpreted from an early age, my first professional translating was with German machine manuals to maintain German machines and equipment in the kibbutz furniture factory. Translating became just another skill set. As a production manager I was very keen on improving productivity using new technology and training employees to work smarter and easier. So, applying technology to make translating easier was a natural approach for me.