2022 Conference Schedule – Workshop Day – February 21

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10:30-12:30 Legal Translation for Notaries (He) - Yael Segal  -    תרגום משפטי לנוטריונים   - יעל סגל

הסדנה מיועדת לנוטריונים שמתרגמים מכל שפה לכל שפה, העקרונות שילמדו הם כלליים. חלק תיאורטי: - הקושי בתרגום משפטי - כלי העבודה של מתרגמים מקצועיים - היכרות עם שוק התרגום בארץ - טעויות נפוצות בתרגום מאנגלית לעברית חלק מעשי: - התנסות בתרגום צוואה מאנגלית לעברית וקבלת משוב על התרגום


14:00-15:30 Environmental Copywriting & Translation -
Nicole König

Translators give voice to eco-entrepreneurs and scientists, activists, and non-profit organizations. But how do you market yourself? Find and vet clients? Become a person of notice to your niche? Last but not least, how do you write content and create translations that align with your values? This session is interactive and can include one or all of four parts: - niching down and positioning yourself as an environmental translator and writer - finding and vetting clients - content marketing for environmental translators - special requirements for writing and translating green/environmental texts


16:00-17:00  My Favorite Medical Resources - Gloria M. Rivera

As a translator or interpreter, you are only as good as the resources you have up your sleeve. The internet may seem like the perfect place where we can have access to all kind of terminology and medical knowledge at our fingertips. Unfortunately, some resources may look reliable and can end up having no scientific validity. Also, trying to find information can be overwhelming if one does not know what source is reliable or not. During this one-hour language neutral (English) webinar I will share my favorite reliable resources to help save you time and avoid frustration. And you will leave with trustworthy resources you can turn to each time you need to do medical online research. All languages and levels are welcome.



18:00-20:00  Web 2.0 for Entrepreneurial Linguists - Judy Jenner

Web 2.0: it’s become a new buzz word. What is it, and what can it do for linguists? Should we embrace Twitter, Facebook, blogging, LinkedIn, Video and all the other new technologies? Presenter Judy Jenner, a long-time translation blogger, social media enthusiast and early adapter of Web 2.0, will discuss how these technologies work and how linguists can benefit from them to promote their services online (mostly) for free. In these technology-driven times, linguists need to find direct clients in new, innovative, and cost-effective ways. This interactive workshop presents low-cost options for websites, thoroughly explains new technologies and their applications, gives an overview of basic processes, provides online security tips, includes suggestions on getting your passwords organized, and is full of tips and tricks to successfully build your online presence. Basic search engine optimization and online branding will also be discussed. Attendees will receive handouts and a journal article on the topic for additional reading. No previous technology knowledge is needed to participate in this workshop. Attendees do not need to acquire any programming skills in order to implement the suggestions and techniques that will be presented. Every language professional who can compose a simple e-mail already has the skills needed to take advantage of everything that Web 2.0 has to offer.


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