Gil Yashar
Name (English) Gil Yashar
Name (Hebrew) גלעד ישר
QR Code


Source languages Hebrew, English
Target languages English, Hebrew
Areas of Expertise

Business - Financial;

מתמחה במיסמכים ודוחות פיננסיים



Certification \ Recognition No

Business Information

State Israel
City חספין
Phone 050-4061578
Zip Code 1292000
Address ת.ד. 157
Email Address
Blog sites

More Information

מתרגם עברית לאנגלית, בעיקר מיסמכים ודוחות פיננסיים ותעודות.

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Invalid field data!

Invalid field data!

Invalid field data!

Invalid field data!

Invalid field data!

Invalid field data!

Invalid field data!

Invalid field data!

Invalid field data!

Invalid field data!

Invalid field data!

Invalid field data!

Successful sending of request!