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  • Online lecture – Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Online lecture – Wednesday, April 22, 2020

by ITA chair | April 14th, 2020


We are pleased to announce the forthcoming Israel Translators Association (ITA) event.

When: Wednesday, April 22, 2020, at 18:00-19:30 hrs.

Please note:

Due to the special circumstances of these days, this event will be conducted as a video conference via the Zoom application.

See below details for this.

This event will be conducted in Hebrew.

b4p research is a company specializing in locating contracts for working with the United Nations agencies, the World Bank, and other international bodies. This presentation will address the opportunities for translators in obtaining such contracts.

See: https://www.b4presearch.com/


18:00-19:30: Presentation

19:00-19:30: Questions and answers


This event is free.


Please send an email to the following address:


Just write your full name and note whether you are an ITA member or nonmember.

Regarding Zoom:

This can be freely downloaded from: https://zoom.us/support/download

It can be installed on a smartphone and on a computer. However, for conferencing with many participants a computer is more convenient.

Fill in the required fields – mainly full name and email address.

Shortly before the meeting you will receive by email a link for entering the conference. A certain identification number will also be provided, but generally there is no need to type it in.

At the bottom of the Zoom screen there are camera and microphone icons – click these for activating them.

Via the chat icon you may forward questions during the lecture, and the conference manager will pass them on to the lecturer who will address them later.

Waiting to see you there, and hoping that things will return to normal as soon as possible

The ITA Committee

Request for translation

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