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  • Gideon Toury Z”L

Gideon Toury Z”L

by ITA chair | October 5th, 2016


The ITA mourns the passing of Prof. Gideon Toury, one of the pioneers of Translation Studies in Israel and around the world.
Gideon Toury was one of the founding fathers of Translation Studies as an independent academic discipline, the founding editor of the journal Target, and one of the most influential researchers of translation in recent decades. His research laid the theoretical and formal infrastructure for the discussion of translation first and foremost in its social and cultural context, from a theoretical-historical and non-judgmental viewpoint. His groundbreaking work during the nineteen-seventies and eighties heralded the cultural and sociological turning point in Translation Studies during the nineteen-nineties and the early twenty-first century. With his characteristic pleasant manner, he taught generations of Israeli students in the field of translation. We send our condolences to his family.

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