Yael Valier
Name (English) Yael Valier
Name (Hebrew) יעל וליאר
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Source languages Hebrew, French
Target languages English
Areas of Expertise

Art - Screenplays; Judaism - Jewish History;

Heb-Eng - Things meant to be heard: screenplays, children's books in rhyme/prose, audio-ed, publicity videos. French-Eng: Jewish history & scholarship. Heb-Eng: I translate books & articles too.



Certification \ Recognition No

Business Information

State Israel
Phone 0508733347
Mobile 0508733347
Blog sites

More Information

I have extensive experience working under the limitations of timing, rhythm, and rhyme in rhyming children's books, children's screenplays, songs, and educational materials. Children's books that I have translated include Eliezer V'Hagezer and Ma'aseh B'Efroach by Levin Kipnis. I also translate books and scholarly articles from Hebrew to English (see this book that I translated, for example, https://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_noss?url=search-alias%3Daps&field-keywords=Motti+Aviram). When translating from French to English, I specialize in scholarly articles in the fields of Jewish history, religion, and culture.

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