Eliezer Tavor
Name (English) Eliezer Tavor
Name (Hebrew) אליעזר תבור
QR Code


Source languages Hebrew, English, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese
Target languages Hebrew, English, Spanish
Areas of Expertise

Business - Business Correspondence;

תכתובת מסחרית, תכתובת כללית, מדריכי משתמש, קטלוגים



Certification \ Recognition No

More Information

In 1998 I became a clerk for the CEO of an Import Company. While performing my task for this importer I gained skills at: * Navigating the Internet to find new products for the company, without being limited to the use of the English language * Translation skills; translating correspondence, commercial contracts and related marketing material from all of my source languages into Hebrew. I mainly translate commercial material, cell phone menus, user manuals and Jewish religious literature. I've also translated children’s books and books dealing with zoology and history, as well as E-learning material for corporate and language-learning use. However, I can deal with almost anything except for highly technical, medical or legal texts. I have also translated advertising material for Samsung printers as well.

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