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  • The ITA Fifth Near-Annual Debate(online) – Wednesday, 26 June, 5pm Israel time

The ITA Fifth Near-Annual Debate(online) – Wednesday, 26 June, 5pm Israel time

by ITA chair | June 25th, 2024


The ITA Near-Annual Debate, followed by the AGM (online): Wednesday, 26 June, beginning at 17:00 Israel time.
The Debate features two well-known language academics: Professor Kirsten Malmkjaer (UK) & Francesco Saina (Italy).
This will be followed by the AGM and elections for the Executive and Audit Committees (members only).
Full details will be sent to all Israel Translators Association members via email and the link will be sent to all members. Attendance is free of charge for members.
Non-members are also invited to register for the Debate at: https://eventbuzz.co.il/lp/event/lideb

The topic:
The Fifth ITA Near-Annual Debate (in ENGLISH):
Truth or Wishful Thinking?
Are translators capable of producing top quality, professional translations in multiple language pairs?

* Speaker details:
Moderator: Eliezer Nowodvorski
Arguing FOR: Professor Kirsten Malmkjaer
Emeritus Professor of Translation Studies, Leicester University, UK
Arguing AGAINST: Francesco Saina, Translator and Researcher

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