Shlomo LIberman
الاسم (انجليزي) Shlomo LIberman
الاسم (عبري) שלמה ליברמן
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لغات الأصل اللغة العبرية, اللغة الإنجليزية, اللغة السويدية, اللغة العبرية
لغات الهدف اللغة السويدية, اللغة السويدية, اللغة الإنجليزية, اللغة الإنجليزية
مجالات التخصص


הנדסה וספרות



الاعتماد لا

معلومات تجارية

الدولة Israel
المدينة רעננה
هاتف خلوي 0535658133
الرمز البريدي 4337621
العنوان פינס 21
عنوان البريد الإلكتروني
مواقع شخصية
مواقع المدونات

للمزيد من المعلومات

Shlomo (Salomon) LIberman emigrated from Sweden to Israel in 1978 and upon retirement completed an MA program in English Literature & Linguistics via the Shaindy Rudoff Program in Creative Writing at Bar-Ilan University in Israel. His publications have appeared among others in the Blue Lyra Review, The Forward, The Jewish Literary Journal, and Esra Magazine. He also holds an M.Sc. degree from the Lund Institute of Technology, Sweden, as well as a Top Executives MBA from Tel Aviv University. He also published a book about his family history during and after the Holocaust, entitled Lost Memories and New Beginnings - Unearthing Family Secrets from the Holocaust. It is available on Amazon and Bookdepository as well both at the US Washington and Los Angeles Museum of the Holocaust. He translated and proofread several books, among the Grandma, Why Have You Drawn Numbers on Your Arm? by Swedish author Rolf Tardell. He is a proofreader and editor and a freelance translator between English, Hebrew, and Swedish on the freelance translator website

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