الاسم (انجليزي) Miriam Ariane Haccoun
الاسم (عبري) מרים הקון
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لغات الأصل اللغة العبرية
لغات الهدف اللغة الفرنسية
مجالات التخصص

الفن; اجتماعي; أكاديمي;


Translation, التحرير, الترجمة الفورية, الترجمة

أدوات الترجمة CafeTran, MateCat
الاعتماد لا

معلومات تجارية

عنوان البريد الإلكتروني
مواقع شخصية
مواقع المدونات

للمزيد من المعلومات

My name is Myriam Haccoun, and I am an Hebrew-French/Hebrew-English Translator. With a Bachelor of Fine Arts (BFA) from the Bezalel Academy of Arts and Design in Jerusalem and a teaching diploma from the Faculty of Arts at Beit Berl, I have developed a rich and varied professional background that encompasses both education and language services. Over several years, I have devoted myself to the field of translation and interpretation, collaborating with prominent companies and media outlets such as TV Presse, France Télévision, and the TIJ Firm. These collaborations have involved a broad spectrum of translation work, from technical and administrative documents to complex legal texts. My dual Franco-Israeli heritage enables me to effortlessly bridge linguistic and cultural divides, ensuring that my translations are not only accurate but also culturally nuanced and resonant.

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